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Journey of the Brolga by Bronwyn Purrula Liddle

A Love Story From The Desert To The Sea

Acrylic on canvas 150 x 42 cm

$ 3,950.00 AUD
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‘JOURNEY of the BROLGA’   - A Love Story from the Desert to the Sea

This dreamtime story of the Journey of the Mutitjulu waterhole at Uluru in the Central Australian Desert and ends at Gardangarl, an island in the Top End Sea.

Purrula visited Pulari, a secret women’s cave, and sat in the long tall grass to escape the heat, leaning against the belly of Kuninya, in the dry cool gully. as she watched the blue and red dragonflies dance across the waterhole. Purrula heard the call of the ancestors, the sounds of the beginning of time, so she heeded her call to go walkabout.

As Purrula headed away from Uluru at sunset, she looked up and saw the silhouette of a large bird flying high up in the sky. This would become the spirit bird Brolga that guided her from the desert to the sea.  Purrula walked from the waterhole to Lake Amadeus, heading north-east. She began her journey on foot, alone, driven by a strong desire to reconnect with her one true love that came to her in a dream at the waterhole. Her one true love was from the Top End and he lived by the sea.

Several sunsets after reaching the large salt lake, she saw the spirit bird flying high in the sky. Purrula sang love songs and the bird dropped delicious fresh fruit from the sky and lead her to a beautiful waterhole where she swam, she rested and felt safe.  The spirit bird Brolga stayed close and protected her, then guided her from Lake Amadeus to Alice Springs via the most efficient and prosperous pathway.

Purrula reconnected to her family in Alice Springs who kept her in the dark and discouraged her from continuing her amazing journey to her one true love in the Top End. This made Purrula cry, and that attracted the Ravens who circled above her. The Brolga saw this from way up in the sky and was disappointed as it misinterpreted what it saw. It kept it’s distance, circling above the ravens dropping small breadcrumbs to Purrula that the ravens stole before they reached her.

Purrula drew on the strength of her ancestors as she continued her journey alone to Karlu Karlu, the Devils Marbles. She sang love songs to the spirit bird Brolga, and the Brolga continued to follow her from on high occasionally dropping breadcrumbs.

Purrula felt alone as she walked through the cruelest of landscapes to Karlu Karlu. Her journey was long, and she was alone in the middle of nowhere. However, many blessings were bestowed on her. She found valuable moonstones. She heard the call from Ancestors in the wind, that comforted her and gave her strength to carry on, as she knew that there were better things ahead.

Purrula enjoyed this haven on earth as envious eyes loomed in the darkness. Purrula saw the Brolga from afar, keeping it’s distance, following her and watching intently.  

Purrula walked from Roper River to the Aliigator River and, as she looked into the Coonjimba Billabong, she saw a reflection of herself. She hardly recognised the image and could not believe the transformation that had taken place within herself. As she made her way up the river to the sea, the spirit bird Brolga saw her on the beach and immediately recognized her as his one true love. The Brolga immediately transformed from a bird into a man and joined her on the beach.

Purrula and the Brolga man swam towards Gardangarl, an island off shore. There were many challenging moments as they helped each other through the treacherous crocodile infested waters. Purrula rode on his back as he carried her through the roughest parts.

Purrula and Brolga man reached Gardangarl and it was lush and abundant and they were happy there together.  They both surrendered to spirit and transformed into beautiful Brolgas and flew off into the sunset, together, at last, forever.

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